[G4] Sudden loss of internet access

David Carroll deepbluedesign at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 14 10:49:34 PST 2005

I have a problem that has me stumped. After a restart this morning I lost my
internet connection through my workplace LAN(we have no IT support). I am
using the built-in ethernet connection option via DHCP with the network
config set to "automatic". It worked initially this morning, but after the
resstart all I get is it sees the ethernet but I have a "self-assigned IP
address". It does not see the router at all. All of the other PC's on the
network are working normally.

I went down the street to an internet café and via airport I can get
internet access on the automatic setting.

I was thinking it might be a corrupted file(library? Prefs?) but I'm not
sure what I should trash.

Running OSX.3.5 on Powerbook TI667 768mb RAM 2.68 Gig of HD space left on a
30G HD. Could HD space be an issue?

Is there anything I can do w/o disrupting the entire network?

David Carroll, IDSA
Deep Blue Design
919 Noddymill Lane E.
Worthington, OH 43085

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