[G4] Save and Save As not really working

Al Poulin alpoulin at cox.net
Tue Feb 15 11:22:06 PST 2005

On Feb 15, 2005, at 6:13 AM, Ron Steinke wrote:

> On 14 Feb, 2005, at 5:23, Richard M. Kriss wrote:
> Can someone tell me why I cannot get documents to save in a nested 
> folder?
> I can repeat the failure and this is disturbing in that the application
> (that I would rather not name) says it is updated the file but it is 
> not
> being changed.
> You can get the document saved in any location that you chose as long 
> as you are saving it for the FIRST time and not using the "Save in 
> xxxx folder selected by the application" function. The dialogue window 
> gives you the option to select your choice of locations. All you have 
> to do is use the dialogue window functions to navigate to the selected 
> location and click on the SAVE button when you arrive where you want 
> to be.
> The second opportunity to save to the location you desire is when you 
> use the "Save As" option. Again, a dialogue window opens and gives you 
> all the same saving options: name, location, extension appendage, etc. 
> This option will create a duplicate document in the selected location. 
> From this point, you have to remember what you named it and where you 
> put it so you can locate it again.
> End of Basic Mac lesson #17.

Ahh...  Now that someone on this list explained to me what a "nested 
folder" is, maybe I can add something to this discussion.

Could it be, just maybe, that Richard's question and the answer 
suggested by Ron's "use the dialogue window functions" both relate to 
that little square button in the window which allows the default to be 
a little bitty window that seems ridiculous and very difficult to use.  
In my first month with OS X, I found it absolutely frustrating to use.  
Then, maybe by accident, I found that hitting the button turned the 
triangle upside down and opened the wonderfully useful and large window 
where you see your files and folders in either column view or list 
view.  Much Better!

Al Poulin
Anger, hate, and revenge are for the devil, forgiveness is for God, 
proactive self-defense is for the rest of us.

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