[G4] Save and Save As not really working

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Tue Feb 15 12:55:53 PST 2005

On Tuesday, February 15, 2005, at 03:34  PM, Richard M. Kriss wrote:

> First, I want to thank Ron Steinke and Al Poulin for the help.  I am  
> still
> lost on why I cannot Save or Save As to a file in specific folder. If  
> I put
> a copy of the file (with the same filename) in a folder on the  
> desktop, I
> can open it, make changes and save the changes.  Both Save and Save As  
> work
> perfect as described in Ron's Basic Mac lesson #17. Each time it is  
> saved
> the file modification date is changed

If you can do it on the desktop then you should be able to do it into a  
  Are you opening a file or is the APP opening automatically on startup?

> The host application can open the document in the suspect 'nested'  
> folder
> that is a folder within a folder on the same HD and it says it is  
> saving the
> document or replacing it when I use the Save As but the file remains
> unchanged.

Well that is not what "save as" is for. Save as  comes into play when  
you are experimenting or making a new file from a template or using a  
NEW FILE NAME (even just a 1 letter change)  for backup purposes or if  
you are saving it as a different format  or putting it in some other  
Assuming you opened a file from a nested folder or the APP opened it  
automatically there should be no impediment to doing a SAVE and  
updating your file.
Save as  is going to go to the same place unless you change it.  If you  
are not changing the name or location of your file but simply updating  
it , Save as,  is  the wrong thing.

Assuming that you have opened a file worked on it and then use "Save"  
it should just work.
Maybe  MAYBE you are not actually working on the file you think you are.
> The contents are not changed and the modification date remains
> the same old date.  It acks like the file is locked but the Get Info  
> says
> nothing about the file file being locked and the application does not  
> seem
> to discover a problem.

Maybe you need to "fix permissions" or verify your disc.

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