[G4] How do I Reply to a Post?

David L. Presberg pres at mail2.gis.net
Wed Feb 16 20:53:36 PST 2005

Jim Thornton --

Yet another way to handle replies is to read the message in your
mail-reader (individual message or digest) but use the list server's
web-interface to the archives to respond: that would be best for digest-
form email-receipt as I have turned on and you said you use.

Go to the archive via the URL (*not* completely explained as)
    "To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit"
which is:
(and which appears at the bottom of the digest as well as at the
top).  From there, click to the month (probably current) and the
"Date" link -- near the bottom of that list should be the message
that you want to reply to.  Click on the listed subject-line of
that message.  (For instance, yours to which I'm replying, is listed as:
   [G4] How do I Reply to a Post?   Jim Thornton
with the subject line a link to the URL:
and your name italicized.)

If you then click on the person's name in the heading, your web browser
should bring up an email-message composition window, prefilled with
the reply-to address for the list.  (Hmmm.  I see a small flaw now
in that the address isn't just:
   g4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
but it has an extraneous "?S" appended.  Well, those two characters
are easily deleted.)  The Subject:-line of the message will be
pre-filled with the original subject of the message you are replying

You can then type in the body of whatever you want your reply to say.

If you want to include any part of the original message, you can select
that part with your mouse, copy (from the edit menu) and then paste that
into your composed reply.  (I appreciate people who don't reply with
the entire original message, particularly when there has been a long
thread of discussion.  Being able to refer back to what had been
said before is the great value of the archive having a "Thread" list
as well as a "Date" list!)

-- Pres
      David L. Presberg
        Software Engineer: Compilers and Language-Relate Tools
          currently seeking employment in my specialty area

Jim Thornton wrote (in part) on Tue Feb 15 12:10:42 PST 2005:
> I've made a few posts to this list, but I don't know how to reply to an
> existing post/thread. I receive the digest version, so it doesn't seem
> likely that I'd just hit "reply" to continue the thread of an individual
> message within a digest. ...[SNIP TO SAVE SPACE]...

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