Hi All At long last I was able to download 10.3.9 ...but was unable to use Safari after the download and reboot ...all I was able to get was a bouncing Safari icon on my dock. I corrected by rebooting Safari (1.2) The first time I tried to download 10.3.9, the new Safari booted and then locked up when i tried to open my link to my DSL service (SBC Yahoo) Currently my Mac showing that I'm running OS X (10.3.9), Safari 1.2. and Jave 1.4.2 Before downloading I performed a reviewed and repaired my preferences and all was fine. Also checked on Jave as directed by Apple using the "Terminal" method and Jave checked out OK. Because I plan to remain on "Panther" for a while longer (well into next year) i would love to use the "new" safari which i'm told comes with 10.3.9 HAS ANYONE OUT THERE HAD A BOUNCING SAFARI ICON ISSUE AND WHAT WAS YOUR SOLUTION AND MORE IMPORTANTLY WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM THAT CAUSED THE BOUNCING SAFARI ICON? My rig is a Power PC G4 "QuickSilver" 733 MHz with 1.5MB of Ram (Maxed. ) Looking forward to some good feedback folks and a big thanks in advance! Rich