[G4] Minor PowerBook problem

Ernest Vincent Pons-Worley eponsworley at mac.com
Mon May 16 08:50:55 PDT 2005

Here is a curious, mildly annoying problem.  On an 867 MHz PowerBook 
running OS 10.4 I am unable to start a new tab in Safari by using the 
keyboard shortcut (command T).  I've scoured the shortcut settings in 
the Systems Preferences/Keyboard & Mouse/Keyboard Shortcuts to see if 
the key-sequence was assigned to something else.  But nothing there 
shows command T.  Next I tried setting up the keyboard shortcut 
manually in ~/Keyboard Shortcuts/Application Keyboard Shortcuts/Safari 
to that New Tab is commant T.  Still doesn't work.  Absolutely nothing 
happens when I press command T whilst in Safari.  (And yes, tab 
browsing is enabled in Safari preferences).

Netscape also opens a new tab with command T, but not on my PowerBook.

All my other Macs open a new tab in Safari or Netscape when I press 
command T.  Any thoughts? Thanks.

Ernest Vincent Pons-Worley

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