On 16 May, 2005, at 10:17, whshaw wrote: I tried to use the CD to install a Grammarian program. Something bad has happened and my HD on the eMac is blocked. When I click on the HD, I get a window from the Grammarian program which says "Connect to the file server G3-mt as" and it asked for my password. I can type in the password, and then the spinning ball occurs. There is a cancel button, but clicking on that brings up the spinning ball. I have to force quit to get rid of everything. I tried restarting the computer, but everything stayed the same. If I click on the Finder preferences, I get the same thing. Is there anything I can do short of reinstalling the OS again? Your Grammariam program is trying to locate a resource that you didn't move from the G3 to the eMac. When you copied the program to the CD, you did not get all the separate parts of it onto the CD and the copied installation was only a partial installation. One or more critical parts were never installed and the program is going bonkers trying to find it/them. It will continue to block the startup process until it finds that resource. Since the resource is not on your eMac, it will result in an endless loop trying to find that data and you are stuck in the boot procedure and have to force quit to get out of the procedure. Try starting up with the system extensions/preferences disabled. If you are successful in starting up by doing that, immediately delete the Grammarian program and try to reboot. If you can boot, that should be enough to get you running again. Just do not try to install the Grammarian program from a copy CD ever again. If you cannot boot up with extensions/preferences disabled, boot to a system installation CD and then delete the Grammarian program from your hard drive and try booting again. This is the easiest way I know about on how to get rid of the offending and improperly installed program. After that, I suggest not trying to do a program installation from a home-made copy CD. System 10 hides many resources in your hard drive by making them invisible. When you make a copy CD, you do not get all the needed resource files by copying from the original hard drive because you do not see them to drag to the burner program window. If the resources do not get included in the CD, the program will not work properly. It still may not work properly from a copy CD because the resource may not get placed in the proper location just by doing a drag and drop copy. There are a lot of changes in OS-X that are not visible like they were in earlier versions. It's a problem that we all have to learn about and many of us learn by getting into situations like yours. Xin loi, muhn yoi.