[G4] Who or What is "clamav"

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Tue May 24 20:01:55 PDT 2005

On 05/24/05, "Richard M. Kriss" <rmkriss at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> When I use the Log Out command under the blue Apple, I see there is user
> call clamav.  I have no idea what this is about. I went the OSX 10.4 (Tiger)
> Preferences/Accounts and there is NO account for clamav.  I used the
> spotlignt and found some stuff in an X11 with name clamav.  I trashed it and
> still can't ditch the 'clamav' user. I do not recall ever seeing this until
> I upgraded to 10.4. Anyone else  have a clamav lurking around?

ClamAV is an OS X Server application used to screen messages for viruses.
for details.

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