[G4] Saving?

Daniel Brieck Jr. djbrieck at mac.com
Thu Oct 13 11:35:04 PDT 2005


Depends on what version of Retrospect you are using? Check their  
website support page to address using their software on 10.4, there  
are special work around s for Tiger on all but the latest version of  


Tiger Specific issues


Daniel J. Brieck Jr.

On Oct 13, 2005, at 2:13 PM, whshaw wrote:

> Hello,
> I have an eMac using OS10.4.2.
> I recently bought an external drive for backup. It came with a cd  
> containing Retrospect Express backup. At the time I was using OS  
> 10.3.9 and it worked fine.
> Yesterday, I installed OS 10.4.2 and now, when I try to use the  
> backup I get a note saying "The application Retrospect Express quit  
> unexpectedly". I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with the same  
> result.
> Does this mean the software won't work on 10.4.2?
> Thanks
> Wilton

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