[G4] Problem with spreadsheets in Classic mode

S. Kennedy skenn at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 2 21:33:23 PST 2006

Ever since I upgraded to a 1.25 dual G4 desktop with OS X 10.3.9 and 9.2.2 I have had a serious problem trying to get classic spreadsheets to run.

The spreadsheets that I have are Excel 4, Lotus 2 and WingZ.  WingZ is the only one that will function on this computer whether booted in 9.2.2 or in X (classic).  Excel and Lotus are the only old Mac OS applications that I haven't been able to get to work on my G4.

Excel will open a new file but the minute I click on anything it quits immediately.  Lotus will not start up at all.  All 3 programs run fine in 9.1 on my old G3 computer.  Since I don't have a floppy drive on the G4 I have tried several methods of installing the programs, simply copying over and making disk images on CD.  The disk images work fine on the G3 but not on the G4.

I am most interested in getting Excel to work on the G4.  Does anyone know if it is possible to get Excel 4 to work on a G4 tower running 10.3.9 and 9.2.2 and if so, how do you make it work?

S. Kennedy

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