[G4] Re: Standalone DVD burner Mac Compatible

bigthor at webzone.net bigthor at webzone.net
Tue Feb 21 22:37:28 PST 2006

Thanks, Wade, for your suggestion.  My one-bedroom apt. needs a media 
room badly, and it would have one if I just had a second bedroom.  
Alas, if I must resort, as you seem to suggest, to going the A/D 
Canopus route, the worst I would have to do is temporarily move my Beta 
VCR and/or my turntable and amplifier into my bedroom where my computer 
setup is.  I already have a VHS VCR/DVD player combo near my computer 
workstation, so for any VHS transferring I'm good to go on that aspect 
of DVD conversion.

I take it you found none of the standalone DVD burners to your 
satisfaction (unless you mean your Tivo)?  If I don't find something 
better, I'm going to probably resolve to put up with the chirping sound 
the Pioneer 533 or 633 makes as it downloads the TV Guide, whether the 
machine is on or off.  I can keep it out of the bedroom at least and it 
can reside in the living room with my other electronics, including 
another VHS deck and the turntable.  Oh, yes, forgot, also a 
reel-to-reel tape deck (the reel tapes beg for conversion as they are 
in great danger of disintegrating from age).

I have thought about getting DirecTV and Tivo eventually.

Thanks, Don in D.C.

On Feb 21, 2006, at 11:53 PM, Wade Tinney wrote:

> bigthor at webzone.net wrote:
>> <snip>As for A/D converters, they're tempting, but I haven't bought 
>> the Canopus because of the
>> logistics of connecting audio/video cables from VCRs and turntable 
>> (for LP burning) not near my Mac.
> Here's a thought...  Move your Mac closer to your VCR & turntable or 
> move your VCR & turntable closer to your Mac.
> Rearranging your house can give you a whole new outlook on life.
> I moved my computers over to the other side of the room and now I can 
> connect to our entertainment center - DirecTV-Tivo, VCR and DVD 
> player.
> I have to use an external firewire drive enclosure to bridge the gap 
> between the computers and the A/D converter (and duck under a cable to 
> get to the storage room door when I'm connected), but it's only a 
> minor inconvenience.
> -- 
> Wade Tinney
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