[G4] G4 Sawtooth Video Cards

Jerry Wilson jjdubz at mac.com
Tue Feb 21 22:54:01 PST 2006

Hi All:

I have been trying to fix up a G4 given to me and cannot get the  
video card problem solved.  I think I have realised this machine is a  
2x AGP (I think).  So far I've tried a 9600 and 9800 both from OWC  
and neither fit or needed a larger power supply.  I've been waiting  
for the 9000's to be back in stock but they haven't a clue.  I have  
seen 9000 Pro Mac addition for $89.00, but can't figure out if it's a  
2x or what.  I tried a 128 MB VRAM PCI and it sucked!!!!!!!!  I need  
a new AGP Video Card

Any suggestions here would be most appreciated.

Jerry Wilson
G4 AGP Video / (upgraded to a) 1.2 GHz/1 GB SDRAM

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