[G4] Firmware and BootROM

Harry Freeman harry at gifutiger.com
Thu Mar 9 10:30:40 PST 2006

Greetings ( + )!( + )

I believe the better option is to select the "System Preferences" 
panel, then select "Startup Disk" if there is a OS 9.x.x system folder 
that can be used for startup it will be found.

Then click on the OS 9.x.x disk (if there is any) and the select the 
"Restart" button.

On Mar 9, 2006, at 1:50 AM, Ronald Steinke wrote:

> On 8 March, 2006, at 4:48:38, nagable at comcast.net wrote:
>> The info on Other World Computing website says that I need to boot 
>> into OS 9.2 to do the firmware update.  My Quicksilver model will not 
>> boot into Classic.
> Perhaps you do not have a complete installation of OS-9 to boot to? 
> You should have done a clean install of OS-9 after installing OS-X and 
> then selected it as your Classic environment provider. That would give 
> you an active OS-9 system folder on your drive to boot to.
> To get into OS-9 at start up:
> Perform a start up with the option button held down until you get a 
> screen with all your bootable systems showing as icons. This may take 
> more time than your normal start up, so wait patiently until the wheel 
> stops spinning.
> Select the icon that is named "OS-9" and click on the arrow button.
> This should start your QS in OS-9 and let you update the firmware.
> After completing the update, shut down, install the new processor 
> chip, and restart to enjoy the increase in power.
> Have a safe day.
> _______________________________________________

Best Regards, /\*_*/\

Harry (*^_^*)
* Anger, hate, and revenge are for the devil, forgiveness is for God, 
proactive self-defense is for the rest of us.

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