[G4] Adding memory to a G4 PCI.

Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Mon May 1 03:46:23 PDT 2006

On May 1, 2006, at 12:06 AM, Jono Carnie wrote:

> Regarding the comment about memory that's too high a density.
> How do you know what the density is?

You're looking for a spec. for the computer and memory that says  
something like ##x##. A little web searching will find tutorials on  
this if you really want to wade through them.

Most memory/computer manufacturers and retailers don't go out of  
their way to make this information readily available. That's why I  
recommended using a site like the two I mentioned in my earlier mail.  
Enter you system type and choose the manufacturer, retailer, and  
price combination that you're most comfortable with.

> Does it make any difference that they're single sided?

I'm not an electrical engineer, but I don't think so.

> As well, what is the CUDA button???

This information is easy to find via your favorite search engine.  
Search on "Mac" and "CUDA".

"I would not think that philosophy and reason themselves will be man's
guide in the foreseeable future; however, they will remain the most
beautiful sanctuary they have always been for the select few."
-- Albert Einstein, 1944

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