[G4] How To Add Big Hard Drive G4 Mirror Door

Ron Michael ronmichael at gmail.com
Wed May 17 17:14:17 PDT 2006

Thanks guys. I should have given more info. I've got four drives 
already. Two 160G, a Maxtor, & a Seagate. Also, a Maxtor 120G as my 
primary (with OS X 10.3.9) and a Hitachi 80G. I want to replace the two 
smaller ones with 250G drives. I thought I had read, several times in 
various places, that the mirror door G4 would only "see" 137G of these 
larger drives unless you added an additional controller card. This was 
the reason for my question. Now, one more time, just so it will sink 
in, are you saying my Mac will let me install these big drives with 
nothing additional added.
Thanks for your earlier responses.
Ron in Memphis

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