[G4] power supply upgrade

Charles Robles crobles1 at nyc.rr.com
Sun Nov 12 17:07:37 PST 2006

Hi guys, I am new here but i think i might be in the right place. I  
recently purchased a mercury extreme 1.5 GHz processor upgrade for my  
g4 originally 400MHz machine. I also previously installed an extra  
hard drive and ati 9000 pro video card. The previous processor  
upgrade was 800Mhz. Well, the new processor did not work- no startup  
chime and no picture so i put back the old processor and everything  
works fine. I received a replacement and got the same results so i  
spoke to a tech guy where I bought it and he suggested that I am  
probably right over the line powerwise. I suspect that he might be  
right. He suggested I can get more power by buying a pc power supply  
and just splice some wires and such to install it. I don't know the  
details yet. I guess my question is do you think the tech guy is  
correct as I suspect he is and what kind of pc alien part should fit  
into the space and how big volt wise would be too much for my g4 or  
should I just forget the whole thing?

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