Could be that your power supply died. You can buy replacements. But, try this: Let it cool down. Unplug it from the wall for a few minutes. Then re-plug and try again. If you get any power at all, perhaps try "Zap the PRAM" by holding down OPT-CMD-P-R until you hear a second boot-up chime. Silly question: Did you hit Return after typing mac-boot? At 7:49 PM -0700 10/14/06, Carol Leger wrote: >I attempted to boot it up, and I heard a strange sound, not the boot up chime. The power light flickered. Then I got the boot chime. > >The screen went grey and came up with text that said I was in open firmware. It wanted me to type mac-boot or shut-down. I typed mac-boot. It did not do much of anything, It certainly did not boot. I finally pushed the reset button and tried again. This time when I was asked to type mac-boot or shut-down, I typed shut down. Now, it does not respond at all. Is it dead?