[G4] should I install OS X on G$ (400MHz)?

J.M.P.Hissel jomph at xs4all.nl
Mon Oct 16 13:48:54 PDT 2006

On 16-10-2006 22:37, J.M.P.Hissel, jomph at xs4all.nl, wrote:

> 1) What G4 do you have?? A Yikes = PCI-Graphics, a Sawtooth = AGP Graphics,
> a Mystic = Gigabit Ethernet, a Cube, an eMac, an iMac, an iBook or a
> PowerBook????

Sorry, I did oversee you have a G4 400 MHz! So forget about Cube, eMac, iMac
and iBook.

Jo Hissel

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