[G4] Seagate drive

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Tue Apr 17 23:15:53 PDT 2007

On 04/17/07, Hal <kastegir at mac.com> wrote:
> On Apr 17, 2007, at 10:11 PM, nagable at comcast.net wrote:
>> Jeez!  I didn't mean to create a firestorm.  Once you partition the
>> drive in the Firewire box, it will appear in the G4 in the form of
>> as many drives as you created partitions.  If you have a 500 GB
>> hard drive and want to use it in a G4 that will only read 120 GB at
>> one time, make 5 partitions.  It will appear on the desktop as 5
>> different hard drives.  Right? Or no?
>> It worked in my Power Mac 8600.
> No, this does not work reliably. The IDE controller will only access
> the first 128GB of the drive, so the other partitions may or may not
> work. It's an issue of the location address on the physical drive
> being beyond what the controller can address.

That's my understanding and why I asked "keyboard happy" Charlie about what

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