Try hitting Command-A for "Select all", then arranging them by name and see if that works. that also works if you have dual monitors and icons an the second monitor, then disconnect the second monitor. You can also try to rebuild the desktop in OS X. Go to the system prefs panel, then to "classic". I'm at a work PC right now so I don't remember the exact location, but there should be a button for "Rebuild Desktop". Even if you don't have OS 9 installed it will take some time searching for an OS 9 startup disk, but eventually you'll see an entry for your OS X disk. Highlight that, then click ok, then it will rebuild the desktop. Eric Calvin said: Lister's I have a G4 PCI, 350 Mhz, after running cocktail scheduler, on Saturday morning, I notice when cocktail finished, the window closed but it no [RESTART], so after 45 seconds or so I manually restarted the computer, every since then, the HD icons or any of the two folders i had on the desktop shows up. How can I get them back?? The computer still start normal, and the folders show up when I use the Go Application window, they all are there! Nothing will show on the desktop!!! Calvin -- Eric Buczynski emaxxx4 at