[G4] DVR problem

Carol java_j at macosx.com
Sat Jan 20 17:21:19 PST 2007

Margaret Krakowiak wrote:

> My computer:  G4 gig ethernet, dual 450
> Current OS:  9.1, I want to upgrade to X - finally, I know, I know.
> But - how can I upgrade when I need to use the DVD drive for
> the disks to intall OS X? When I eject the diskthat's currently in there,
> I can manually hold the tray open and quickly switch disks - the new disk does mount,
> but this seems very bad for the drive, as it's tugging on the tray to close it.
> I just don't understand, I need this drive to work with 9.1 while I upgrade
> to X - if this drive is not compatible with 9.1, is there one that is?
> Should I try and return it to OWC - but then get what instead?
> Or is there a workaround for the problem with this drive?

I always wondered what one did when one replaced the hard drive and 
wanted to re-install the OS from CD.  How to get the CD tray open BEFORE 
turning the computer on.  I never had to do it, but one book says to 
hold down the mouse while booting up to get the drive open.

I know that this is not ideal for everyday use, but if it works long 
enough for you to get OS X installed, you have a solution.

I just replaced the drive on my Sawtooth with the very same Pioneer DVR 
- 109 from OWC.  I too was suprised that the button on the tray no 
longer worked.  Fortunately, in OS 10.3.9 f12 worked on the keboard that 
came with the computer.  The eject button works on a newer keyboard.

I also followed the advice given here:
to install an eject icon in the menu bar next to the date.  I recommend 
that you do this once you have OS X installed.

If X is in your future, I would keep the Pioneer burner and try holding 
down the mouse at startup to get the tray to open so that you can 
install OS X.


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