[G4] Re: I'd really like to sell it.

John Niven senseamp at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 06:30:38 PDT 2007


I doubt a guy considering a Beige upgrade would want
that much of an upgrade. Much cheaper alternatives are

But I write because your sales pitch lists a huge list
of s/w but then you don't include the licenses. Does
that increase it's value? Only if you condone illegal
s/w piracy. 

I hate to see that. 


--- Jim Elmore <jelmore at elmoredesign.com> wrote:

> I would really to sell sell this package if you have
> an interest in  
> this much upgrade. I repeat, I'd really like to sell
> it. It's fast,  
> clean, works great, two monitors, wireless, high
> speed usb, etc. Take  
> a look!!
> http://www.elmoredesign.com/g4.html

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