[G4] Re: G4 upgrade problem

Margaret Krakowiak imago at bellsouth.net
Fri May 18 13:57:20 PDT 2007

Well, I decided to erase the volume and do a clean install.
I had only recently moved to OS X (10.2.8), so I didn't have that
much stuff on the volume. All went well, I'm here in mail now, sending
this. BTW, I had purchased this OS X disk at the Apple store in my town,
and it's v 10.4.6. So that is where I'm at.

I just hope I don't have problems if/when I reboot. The first time I  
did the
install, though I did it as an upgrade from 10.2.8, everything seemed  
automatically got the reboot after installation was complete. It  
wasn't until
I rebooted (for some reason) later that I ran into my problems. I  
don't have
any reason to do this now, and I plan on putting it off, for awhile  
at least.

I guess now I'd like to know if anyone has any thoughts on the post  
upgrades - are they worth doing?

And thanks to all who tried to help me. Last night I went to macfixit  
and a few
other places and scared myself reading the problems some people were  
with updates, and the myriad work-arounds, some of which were  
mentioned here.
I must say I have rarely had any problems upgrading my system. X was  
the one
that I worried about, and then 10.2.8 was a breeze and I felt silly  
to have waited
so long. I do agree that doing an upgrade from 10.2 to 10.4 might  
have been too
big a jump, and I just should have done a clean install in the first  


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