[G4] Sleep or leave running?

Keith Whaley keith_w at dslextreme.com
Wed Jan 9 11:47:25 PST 2008

On Jan 9, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Eric Wood wrote:

> Am Jan 8, 2008 um 5:47 PM schrieb Pat Crowe:
>> I visit my G4QS 2002 many times during the day and between times I  
>> put it to sleep.
>> The question is, would it be more beneficial to the computer to  
>> just leave it run?
>> PatC.
> There is nothing wrong with sleep. It will help preserve your  
> hardware, I should think, since some of it, such as hard drives,  
> will get a respite. And you'll be conserving power, which is always  
> good. That light bulb theory that turning a computer on is somehow  
> detrimental is just logical, yet incorrect thinking. Computers  
> aren't light bulbs.
> Eric

However, if you don't mind my interruption, any electronic components  
that draw power heat up and expand when turned on, and cool down and  
contract when shut off.

I guess it's entirely possible today's far more sophisticated  
manufacturing engineering designers have provided comfortably for  
that heat/cool cycle life. Many of 'yesterday's' components didn't  
cycle all that well...

keith whaley

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