[G4] Much Ado About Harddrives

Doug Burton slugg0 at embarqmail.com
Wed Jan 16 17:15:19 PST 2008

On Jan 16, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Tony Gamble wrote:

> It'll be perfectly compatible... provided you also install a SATA  
> card to run it, such as this one:
> http://eshop.macsales.com/item/SIIG/SCSATM12/
> Once everything is plugged in, open up Disk Utility and format the  
> drive with the Mac OS Extended file system.
> Tony


I just checked OWC's website dealing with SATA cards and I don't see  
one that will support 4 drives.  Do they make one for the Mac that  
will support 4 drives?  If I upgrade my DA file server to SATA as I  
have been planning to do, I need one that will support 4 large SATA  
drives.  Right now I have 4 IDE drives running off an Acard Ultra 133  
ATA PCI card which supports 4 drives.  Besides the cable mess the  
Acard won't support Ultra ATA speeds and that was the main reason I  
upgraded my server to a DA.

Just a message from Doug...

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