[G4] Re: iMovie 6HD help

Robert C. Buitron rcbuitron at speakeasy.net
Wed Feb 11 06:43:49 PST 2009

I finally got an answer, but there are some things I don't know and need 
  in order to view the digitized movie on other devices.

Since I was a user of an older version of iMoive, when saving a project, 
Apple created a folder with all the contents. In iMovie 6HD, Apple 
discarded the folder to minimize mistakes users were making (having 
access to all the *parts* apparently caused problems). By right clicking 
or control-clicking on the file, a fly out menu contains an item called 
"Show Package". Within that package is a movie file that's readable by 
QuickTime. So, voila, I make a copy and paste that movie in another 
folder that contains other movies and I'm good to go.

Another question: does anyone have any opinion of having QuickTime Pro? 
Will it play mpeg2 movie files?

I'm also searching for basic, simple, *for dummies* video software that 
converts or can back up DVD movies and easily viewable on a DVD player 
(or computer).


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