[G4] Ancient Tech?

Aaron aaron at macuser.fastmail.fm
Thu Feb 19 17:10:18 PST 2009

>From: Frank Sudore <fsudore at mac.com>
>Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 19:43:58 -0500
>Well I just sold a  MDD dual 1.45 to a close friend for 250.00
>I paid 3K for it in 2002 and the only thing I did was just replace the 
>power supply.
>Besides being loud I still think it was faster than the dual G5  2.0 
>that replaced it.

Aside from having built-in SATA and USB 2.0, are there any advantages to G5's over G4's, other than that they were made in (at least nominally) much faster versions?

Also, aside from running Windoze natively, is there any advantage to an Intel Mac over a PowerPC Mac?

 - Aaron

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