[G4] Correct English Flame War

Robert H. Baucom rbtbcm at owc.net
Mon Feb 23 09:38:55 PST 2009

Is this a G4 "Problem and Tech discussion" site or a "Correct  
English" Flame War.
Acting like a bunch of teenagers :-)

The Ole Curmudgeon

On Feb 22, 2009, at 8:45 PM, Eric Wood wrote:

> Am 22.02.2009 um 20:57 schrieb gifutiger:
>> Greetings ( + )!( + )
>> Since I really don't understand what your trying to make of this  
>> Subject: Ancient Tech?
>> And since it doesn't seem that you want to take it off-line I've  
>> place the Subject: Ancient Tech? into my mail "Rules" to DELETE,  
>> do not pass go all eMails immediately that contain the Subject:  
>> Ancient Tech so go ahead send 10,000 eMail about Ancient as I  
>> won't see any more of them.
>> I really don't understand if your "BRAGGING" or "COMPLAINING" but  
>> I am sure that there are others in this group that want you to  
>> stop and since you haven't gotten the word I've fixed it for me.
>> Best regards,
>>   - Harry -
>> ø?ºº?ø,¸¸,ø?ºº?ø,¸¸,ø?ºº?ø,¸¸,ø?º?ø
> Did you make a conscious choice at some point to pretend that  
> "you're" is spelled "your"? I know the rest of the midgets are  
> doing it, but that doesn't excuse you.
> I'm pretty sure that was more complaining than bragging, by the  
> way, though I don't know who was doing either before.
> Eric W._______________________________________________
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