[G4] MDD Snafu - Question #3 - Restore OSX 10.3.9 ?

Geoffrey Peters enclydion at gmail.com
Sat Sep 21 07:37:24 PDT 2013

>Is there a way I can go backwards and find myself booting to the
>original 10.3.9 that was on this drive (and worked with the MDD)?  Is
>it hidden as a previous system and restorable?

Unfortunately not.

>Or, can I re-install 10.3.9 on the drive without wiping out my data
>files, preferences, permissions, etc. that reside there?  I would love
>to turn back the clock and use this drive and data as my boot drive to
>the G4 450 with the original 10.3.9 system...  Possible?

Provided there is room, you can re-install 10.3.9 (in the OS X 
Installer, click the Options button and choose "Archive and install") 
but it will not pick up your old settings and account information.

Worth noting that the G4/450 has a lower limit on its internal IDE 
interfaces; 320 GB is the maximum supported, vs 500 on the MDD.


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