[G5] Waiting for my 1.8 Ghz. G5.

Tim Collier collierof1957 at mac.com
Mon Mar 14 14:21:17 PST 2005

I originally also had problems with bluetooth keyboard and mouse then I
found the bluetooth update:
http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=120275 and you also need to
update your system to 10.3.8
It makes a HUGE difference.


Upon reveiwing my email at 3/14/05 11:04 AM, I found the following message
from Pat, whose email address is:  <patdart at cox.net>

> And frightenly, I bought mine late in Dec., but so far, so good.  It
> doesn't want to see my bluetooth keyboard and mouse, tho' which bothers
> me.  Takes several restarts to do it.  I've talked to apple and they
> tried to help, but finally told me to call back if it quit doing it
> altogether.  It will see if finally, but may take as many as 5 restarts
> to do so.  I wonder if the others had that symptom?
> Pat
> On Mar 14, 2005, at 9:25 AM, SW wrote:
>>  From what I have heard , the smoking computers are only the iMac G5s
>> and only a small number of those purchased in December.
>>  So you should be ok.
>> Steve
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