[G5] My problems!

Steve Goldstein sng at cox.net
Sat Apr 21 11:50:57 PDT 2007

Similar thing happened with one of my Cubes several years ago, and by the time they were ready to replace it, there were no more Cubes, so they gave me a Quicksilver. 

If they replace your iMac, I would consider asking for an Intel Core Duo or Core 2 Duo iMac.  The G5 is a dead-end on the evolutionary trail.  The Intels are on the future path.  My wife has a G5 iMac, and I have an Intel Core Duo, purchased a year later than hers.  Both are refurbs, and both have given us no problems. 


At 10:59 AM +0930 4/21/07, <bet100 at bigpond.com> wrote:
>Disappointed and getting angry although Apple have said that if it isn't
>fixed within 30 days they will replace the machine.

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