Extra files seen under OSX

Nancy J. Ayers njayers at attbi.com
Wed Feb 26 08:56:47 PST 2003

They have appeared in all my document folders.  I thought I heard 
there was a way to hide them, but I can't figure out how.

>Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 07:59:15 -0600
>Subject: [HM] Re: Extra files seen under OSX
>From: Charles Turner <turnercl at missouri.edu>
>Message-Id: <5385976A-48C9-11D7-B18E-003065BADF18 at missouri.edu>
>On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 07:13  AM, Home Macintosh Users List
>>  Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 09:13:46 -0500
>>  From: "Nancy J. Ayers" <njayers at attbi.com>
>>  Subject: [HM] Extra files & docs
>>  Having just upgraded my Wallstreet to OS X, I'm puzzled by all the
>>  occurrences of docs, in and out of folders, called "FINDER.DAT,"
>>  "Icon," and "RESOURCE.FRK."  What are these? Can I delete them (some
>>  I already have with seemingly no ill effects)?  Or is there a way to
>>  hide them?
>Where are these files?
>I see the similar things when I use a PC/DOS formatted Zip disk with
>OS-X and the disk contains files created on OS9. My theory is that
>these particular files are created to hold the Mac only information,
>ie. so that Mac 'forked' files can maintain their data and their
>resource parts. Unlike the Mac HFS file system, the PC/DOS/Win "FAT"
>file system doesn't support forked files.
>Surely there is some way under OSX to let us just see PC/DOS formatted
>media the same way as OS9 does, leaving these supplemental files hidden
>from view.
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