MSN email & Outlook

NeptuneMidheaven at NeptuneMidheaven at
Fri Feb 28 11:52:46 PST 2003

In a message dated 2/27/2003 8:14:50 AM, HomeMac at 

<< Mary, I would love to use anything but Outlook Express and Internet

Explorer, but MSN is my ISP and I am locked into their software. I pay only

$12.95 for unlimited usuage, so I guess I have to have some pain!  <G>

jane >>

I also have MSN on my new PC computer (got the free six months deal) - and 
have an email account, xxxx at  I'm planning on dumping MSN after the 6 
months is over and probably staying with AOL (despite the horrible spam which 
even version 8.0 doesn't help).
My question is, would I be able to keep my .msn email account after the six 
months is over?  Would I be able to reach it via hotmail or could I set it up 
with Outlook??
Sorry I seem like such a greenhorn; all I have EVER used was AOL and AOL 
email, so this is all new for me.
The thing that bothers me about Outlook is that is is prone to getting so 
many viruses.
No one I know uses it for that reason.

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