[HM] Re: Apple CD Audio Player

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Wed Jan 29 10:55:01 PST 2003

--- At Wed, 29 Jan 2003 13:05:32 -0500, Debbi Young wrote:

>on 1/29/03 12:42 PM, Nevin Steindam at thenevin at ameritech.net wrote:
>> Weird.  The CD did not appear on the desktop?  That's a more fundamental
>> part of the process than the recognization (is that a word?) by the CD
>> Player program.  If you insert a CD and wait for a while without that
>> program running, does anything happen?  I'd expect that the computer would
>> eventually either mount the disc on the desktop or give you an error about
>> it.  If neither happens, there's probably something messed up in the
>The way Apple CD Audio Player *used* to work (before 9.2.2), it was an
>automatic thing. If you inserted an audio CD, the program would launch.
>Inserting the CD now gives me an error message, just as it did when I first
>tried a couple days ago.

Can you post the exact error message you getting? 

By the way, this was automatic but it was controlled by a QuickTime
preference for audio CDs (and stil is).


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