[HM] Re: OS 9 System folder

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Thu Jun 5 16:10:54 PDT 2003

--- At Thu, 5 Jun 2003 17:33:37 -0500, Wendy Townley wrote:

>I want to remove OS 9 because I never use it. This is my second Mac 
>with OS X (my previous was an iBook) and I NEVER booted into 9. There's 
>no reason for me to.
>So, any ideas?

Removing OS 9 is not about "booting" into OS 9. Its about running classic
applications. If you remove OS 9 you cannot run applications that have
not been ported to OS X while in OS X. It's quite possible that you dont
use applications that are not OS X.*

The only potential problem that has been brought up is that apparently OS
X will use fonts in the Fonts folder of the selected OS 9 environment.
Again, this may or may not matter to you.

A suggestion would be to use Drop Stuff to make a stuffit archive of your
OS 9 folder and then delete the folder. Run for a while like that, if you
dont have problems after a year or so ;-) you can delete the archive.


* In that case, you are the dream child of Steve Jobs. ;-)

>On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 01:03  AM, enterprise wrote:
>>> On 6/4/03, Wendy Townley <wendy at wendytownley.com> wrote:
>>>> I recently upgraded to a 12" PowerBook G4 from a 12.1" iBook G3. I 
>>>> was
>>>> able to successfully remove the OS 9 Applications folder off of my 
>>>> G4,
>>>> but now want to remove the OS 9 System folder. Is it possible to do
>>>> this without completely erasing my hard drive?
>> Is it silly, Wendy, to ask why you wanna rid your everlovin' hard 
>> drive of
>> sys 9 totally and for ever? Is it just to gain disk space? Or is an
>> aesthetic consideration (why have two when you can have one {sys}?)
>> Intrigued
>> michaelP


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