[HM] Re: changing iMac hard drive

T. Brown / groucho btgroucho at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 15 13:03:40 PST 2003

On Wednesday, January 15, 2003, at 09:27  AM, b1ywov85 wrote:

> .the pc was simply not designed for that speed of HD..or
> better put..the extra heat generated by it..he said it may work 
> now..but it
> will overheat...sooner or later.

The older iMacs have a fan.

I upgraded the HD 6 months after getting the 333 iMac. They came out
in summer 1999. Never had a problem with that machine.

I guess there must be a website dedicated to HD running temps. I will 
take a
look later this evening.

Another related subject would be keeping the interior of your clean. 
Dirt and fuzz
makes a computer run hot, so those with pets might think twice about 
upgrading. I have
taken hundreds of machines apart and am amazed at how much filth 
collect in some cases.
I think those with cats and those that smoke have the most build up.


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