[HM] big HD's and 9.1; look out Jaguar

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Tue Sep 2 15:45:16 PDT 2003

On 9/1/03, "Jack Honeycutt" <jhoneycutt at qwest.net> wrote:
> I will be confusing my 7600 more so than it ever has been.  As well as
> installing a Sonnet G4 700Mhz processor card, I have installed a Sonnet PCI
> combo card called a Sonnet Trio.  It gives me one external Firewire port, a
> external USB port, and support for 4 internal ATA 133 devices (HDs DVD
> drives, etc):
> http://www.sonnettech.com/product/tempo_trio.html
> Out of the box, Sonnet's G4 card will support a OS up to 9.1.  If one wants
> to upgrade to a OS higher (like Jaguar for example), one needs to start off
> with a HD running 9.1,  then install Sonnet's $29.95 software, which will
> let one upgrade to Jaguar.  Sonnet's software patch will only allow one to
> upgrade to a flavor of X, if you start with a OS of 9.1.  It will not work
> if your Mac is running   9.2:
> http://www.sonnettech.com/downloads/osx_upgrade_sw.html
> The directions with the above software say to make two partitions on a
> large drive.  Have one partition be 9.1, and load the  Sonnet software on
> that 9.1 partition, then load Jaguar (or any version of X) on the second
> partition. Well, as you and I now know, 9.1 will not see or partition this
> 160GB HD.
> I am going to call Sonnet's tech support on Tuesday and ask, but I wonder
> if using the Sonnet Trio card, plus the Sonnet software, it will allow me
> to boot to the SCSI  HD running 9.1 (with the Sonnet software on it) and
> then get it to see my ATA 160 GB HD.  If so, maybe I can then load Jaguar
> on the 160 GB ATA HD and run it.
> I will your use Apple knowledge search tips to see if Jaguar will support a
> HD as large as 160 GBs.
> Perhaps another solution would be to buy a very small ATA HD and pull my
> SCSI drive.  Then install two ATI drives in my 7600.  One being small with
> 9.1 on it, and the second being my big drive.
> What to do, what  to do....

Good luck. I don't know anything about the cards, but reading the
information at the above sites indicates that you can install Jaguar.
However, I still don't think your machine will see more than 128 GB, even
though Jaguar, on the mirrored door and Xserve computers can.

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