Recording an audio stream ...

Bryan Forbes bforbes at
Mon Sep 8 09:58:38 PDT 2003


By streaming, do you mean from a voice or from an electronic source.

I have used Sound Studio from and also have 
used Amadeus for converting sound files from 
lp's.  Either program is relatively inexpensive and pretty solid.  You 
didn't mention whether you are still in OS 9 or if you've migrated to 

Ask me more if I didn't hit on your question directly ....


On Monday, September 8, 2003, at 11:48  AM, Howard Scudder wrote:

> Anybody know a quick easy way to record streaming
> audio and a program that works well?
> Got a thing or two I can use in a class I teach in
> music appreciation.
> Thanks,  Howard Scudder
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B. Forbes
Why do I use a Mac vs. a Wintel box ... it's simple, I get more done in 
less time.

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