iMac flickering screen

Mary C. Youra mcyoura at
Thu Sep 11 06:13:00 PDT 2003

On Thursday, September 11, 2003, at 08:14  AM, onder at wrote:
> Hi miss Mary C.,
> this is out of your those serries of imacs there is a 
> "production
> problem". After this screen problem your mac'hine will shut down soon.
> We have such a problem in here (Turkey) too.
> Only go to any mac's technical service and change the screen port. in 
> here
> services change that 200 $..
> onder

Thanks, onder, for the advice. I was prepared to take it for service 
(and have advised her to do so), but I hadn't considered that it was 
likely to shut down altogether. $200 doesn't seem so bad, all things 
considered -- last night, I was wondering whether I was going to be 
buying her a whole new computer (and if so, whether it'd be a laptop; I 
love my iBook).


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