iMac flickering screen

Mary C. Youra mcyoura at
Thu Sep 11 06:28:37 PDT 2003

On Thursday, September 11, 2003, at 08:14  AM, btgroucho at 

> Mary,
> Have her try and take it to another location to see if it still 
> flickers. I
> have noticed that cold
> air, fans and low voltage will cause flickering in CRTs. Also have her 
> check
> that the refresh rate
> is set correctly. Some games can change that and it doesn't always 
> revert
> properly.
> groucho

Interesting. How easy is it to check the refresh rate? She does play 
games, and she would have installed new ones recently. She only began 
using OS 10.2.6 about a month ago (the iMac came with 10.1.5, but she 
preferred 9.2.2, and stayed with it until we insisted she upgrade to 
Jaguar, since the university prefers OS X).

  I think we can rule out cold air and fans. I will suggest she try a 
different surge suppressor, too. The one she is using is not the one 
she was using at home. Her sister has an identical iMac (more RAM, 
though), and reports that hers flickers whenever her fluorescent desk 
lamp is used. So, she doesn't use it. The existence of a KB Document 
mentioning all this makes it sound as though they are very susceptible 
to interference.

After what Onder said about the whole thing shutting down, it makes me 
nervous to have her keep experimenting, though. Her sister has a car, 
which will make taking it for service easier, provided they can 
coordinate their schedules.


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