[HM] transferring internet connection stuff

michaelP michael at sandwich-de-sign.co.uk
Sun Dec 19 22:53:27 PST 2004

Sue said:


I could be wrong but doesnt the Browse the Internet program lead you through
the process of setting up the Internet connect?  Mine is located in the
Internet Utilitiesbut I use OS10.3 almost exclusively and it appears
something is missing so it wouldnt open.  You can get the numbers by opening
the whatever you use to connect to the Internet on your functioning iMac and
the email inform comes from Tools --> Accounts.

Hope this helps.  Like you, I have done thing a number of times, but each
time I have to rework my way through the process.

Thanks, Sue, the email accounts stuff I'm OK with; but imagine this:

2 (pretty well identical) iMac G4s sat side by side, both mostly running OS
9.2, the one fully internet connected, both dialup and broadband, with
several ISPs, etc, the other not at all; I want to enable the other
internet-bereft mac with exactly the same connectivity as the one...

it is files like TCP/IP prefs, TCP DNR, etc, that I know have to be copied
and transferred to the other mac (just as if one had to re-install the
system {etc} on the one machine): I just cannot remember the entire brigade
(includes something to do with files associated with Remote Access). Can
someone help or show me how to get it?


and happy hols


Michael Pennamacoor
tel: 01304 617626
fax: 0870 163 8935
e: michael at abgrundrisse.net
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