[HM] Can't open picture attachment

James Norman jimoctec at mac.com
Sat Feb 14 00:59:53 PST 2004

Hi Denise,

1k in size for a .jpg does not sound right. I do not think that you 
have actually received the pictures, it sounds more like an alias or 
(in PC terms) a shortcut to the picture file that (a) has been sent, or 
possibly (b) that you are trying to open.

Ask your friend to resend the pictures is my suggestion.

All the best,


On Friday, February 13, 2004, at 11:57 PM, Denise wrote:

> A friend is trying to email me some pics as attachments, from his PC.  
> I
> know I have been able to open his pics in the past, but it has been a 
> while.
> I do not recall changing any settings.  He is sending them as .jpg, 
> which
> normally open on my iBook with Pictureviewer.  They are 1K in size.  
> When I
> click on the attachment in his email, nothing happens.  "Open" and 
> "Save"
> options are grayed out.
> Can you help me search out what I may need to change?
> Many thanks.
> Denise

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