[HM] Epson printer won't print after upgrade to 10.3

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Tue Aug 22 21:37:29 PDT 2006

I recall a problem like this when upgrading from an older OS to a newer one. 

I'm guessing that you had the printer setup when you had 10.2.8, then
upgraded etc to 10.3.9 and the printer didn't work.

The solution is to remove the printer from the Printer Setup Utility and
add it again. This resets some of the information about the printer and
updates it to the latest OS information.

--- At Tue, 22 Aug 2006 15:54:03 +0000, janesprando at comcast.net wrote:

>Last night I upgraded my G4 iMac from 10.2.8 to 10.3, and then 10.3.9. I
>have an Epson RX600 All-in-One printer. I installed the drivers from the
>installation Cds for Epson and Gimp print. I went to Epson's web site
>and downloaded all the updates for all the ones that I thought I needed
>(anything that had 10.3 on it).
>However when I try to print, I get  a box that says Printer Stopped. No
>matter how many times I select Start Printer, it reverts to Printer Stopped.
>Any suggestions on how to fix this?


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