[HM] USB Internet access?

Jack Honeycutt jhoneycutt at qwest.net
Wed Aug 23 08:07:54 PDT 2006

Hi folks....

I am trying to bypass a airport equipped laptop.  The antenna and or 
airport chip on the logic board are not receiving Wi-Fi  as well as 
window boxes at the same location.  I believe it might be a antenna issue.

I looked on Apple's web site, but found no information to help me 
increase the range on the laptop.  I  was hoping for a external Wi-Fi  unit.

I looked at this linksys unit as a possible solution  -  a USB Wi-Fi  receiver:


Of corse Linksys has no Mac software.  When I plugged it in  to the 
Mac it powered up and I can see it labeled correctly when I look at 
USB devices.  But the Internet connection wizard will only help me 
with firewire, dial up modems and  eithernet  -  no USB support 
(I  am running the most current OS).

Another solution is too increasing  the receiving power of a Wi-Fi 
card is to install a higher gain antenna.  But because I have no 
access to the antenna in this airport equipped laptop, I can't do that either.

If I can't solve this,  I will have to install another access point 
in bridge mode to re transmit the signal closer to the laptop.

Anyone have any suggestion?   I think I am SOL here.



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