[HM] Reformat hard drive

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Fri Mar 3 21:11:38 PST 2006

--- At Thu, 2 Mar 2006 22:12:48 -0800, Jane Sprando wrote:

>Brian, I have Retrospect Back Up, but I don't think it will clone the hard

Retrospect does have the ability to clone a system. This is standard
Retrospect, I don't think Retrospect Express can clone.

You want to use the Duplicate function in Retrospect. You need make sure
that the volume boots before reformatting.

>on 3/2/06 7:22 PM, Brian Olesky at brian4 at sbcglobal.net wrote:
>> Do you have software that will let you "clone" your hard drive onto the
>> external drive? Software like SuperDuper, DataBackup, etc.? If so, then you
>> can simply copy it over to the external drive, wipe the internal drive
>> clean, then "clone" it back. But I believe you can't do it with a simple
>> drag and drop. OSX doesn't work that way.
>> Brian
>> On 3/2/06 6:57 PM, "Jane Sprando" <janesprando at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> Here is my set up: G4 iMac that boots into 9 and 10; running 10.2.8;
>>> partitioned into 2 hard drives; external Firewire drive
>>> I want to reformat the iMac's hard drive so that I only have one
drive. Can
>>> I just drag everything over to the Firewire drive, reformat, then drag
>>> everything back to the iMac?
>>> If this won't work, what would you suggest?


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