[MacDV] Re: Desktop DV Recorders Mac Compatibilty

Rod Duncan roduncan at telus.net
Sun Aug 3 09:05:27 PDT 2003

I've been using the older JVC HR-DVS1 for a few years too. In 
addition to using L-3, sometimes you have to reboot the firewire bus. 
Just unplug the firewire cable wait to the JVC deck, wait a few 
seconds and bingo... you are connected. Are you using additional 
external drives? A good idea. I am running everything through a 
desktop connected PB Ti 667 DVI. It is driving a separate computer 
monitor, 3 FW drives, an NTSC video monitor, a DVD burner and the JVC 
deck. Aside from the assorted USB goodies. I had to fool around with 
an external firewire 3-port to get the proper sequence that left 
everything happy. It works with everything Mac video. FCP, FCP 
Express and iMovie. I am running OSX (10.2.6) and except for FCP 
(3.02) everything is the latest and "allegedly" the greatest. I 
digress... iMovie 3.02 while better is still not ready for prime 
time. Maybe I need help from Erica. Don't we all?

A trick that was posted a couple of years ago with the JVC deck and I 
have used it many times, is to bring analogue video directly into the 
Mac without first loading it onto a miniDV or even a VHS tape. You 
just capture/transfer from either a VHS tape or an external 
RCA/S-Video connection by-way-of video camera and it flows directly 
into the editing program of choice. I had to capture some older 
format Hi-8 mm tapes and connected it directly to the front RCA audio 
and S-Video ports of the JVC and transferred/captured directly into 
Final Cut Pro. It flowed through the JVC deck without tapes and right 
into the program. This "trick" wasn't documented anywhere in the JVC 
manual. I can't take credit. A wise female soul posted it here a 
couple of years ago. Please stand up and take a bow. Eternally in 
your debt.

>hello richard,
>I use a jvc hr-dvs1 with final cut pro on my mac and it works good for
>capturing and recording back. I can't really believe yours won't record. did
>you check the line input setting on the vcr? mine has to be on "L-3" to
>record and display stuff coming in via fire wire. If it really doesn't work
>it can recommend the hr-dvs1 if you're looking for the cheapest possible
>solution, if I ever get the money i'd probably go for a sony dsr-11 but I'm
>definitly no expert on this matter ...
>hope this helps,
>am 28.07.2003 21:23 Uhr schrieb Macintosh Digital Video List unter
>MacDV at lists.themacintoshguy.com:
>>  Message-ID: <1059408422.3f254a26a23f4 at mail.uwo.ca>
>>  Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 12:07:02 -0400
>>  From: Richard Gilmore <rgilmor at uwo.ca>
>>  Subject: [MacDV] Desktop DV Recorders Mac Compatibilty
>>  Hi I'm new to the list as well. I work at the Media Production Centre at The
>>  Faculty of Education at Western. We have seven Macs here and one of them we
>>  use
>>  for DV video editing. We have imovie and teach the students the basics. Not
>>  that I'm a pro myself which is why I joined this list. My 
>>immediate problem is
>>  that we have JVC DV/VHS, VCR, HR-DVS3U, which we can import video 
>>into the G4
>>  and control from imovie as normal but will not allow us to export any video
>>  back to it. It will record but the screen is black with no sound. 
>>I think it's
>>  a hardware compatibility problem and we're looking for a new desktop DV, VCR
>>  that will work with the Macs. I've been instructed to make a list 
>>of potential
>>  products. I've done some searching already with google etc...but 
>>haven't made
>>  much headway. What can the collective wisdom of the list recommend?
>>  thanks much
>  > Richard G. (I think there's another Richard on this list?)

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