OT Webdesign

David Thrasher idave at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 7 13:48:57 PDT 2003

One place you might check for information on this and other topics
relating to making websites is the very excellent Web Monkey
(http://www.webmonkey.com). They've got every bit of information you'd ever need about building
websites and tutorials for all levels from the beginner to the advanced


Original Message:

>I have the opportunity to be involved in designing a Website >from the
ground up.  This site is for a small retail chain to >provide information on
seasonal products and specialty items.  >There is no intention to sell
directly from the site but rather 
>to inform potential customers of products and services >available.  The
idea right now is to make it a online catalog >using lots of pictures,
possibly  slide shows. I was wondering >what would be the best design software
to use, for a person >lacking knowledge of HTML?
>Any suggestions would be appreciated

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