[MacDV] Importing audio into FCP4

Dmytro Koval'ov dmytro.kovalov at nikkocitigroup.com
Mon Aug 18 19:17:17 PDT 2003


>>>>> On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, "Gary" == Gary Fujihara wrote:

  Gary> Well, someone suggested iTunes 4, and sure I can convert to AAC,
  Gary> but the .m4a files are unrecognizable by FCP4.  Then I tried
  Gary> buying some tunes off the Apple iTunes website, but the .m4p
  Gary> files are unrecognizable as well.  How can I get CD tunes into
  Gary> FCP4?\

In iTunes preferences you can change to rip CD into either mp3 or AIFF. 
Both of these you should be able to import into FCP.


 Dmytro Koval'ov   
 http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~as9d-kvlv, http://yarylo.sytes.net
 GPG keyID 215DDFF7: 
 gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 215DDFF7 

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