[MacDV] Wedding video editing

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Mon Aug 25 08:40:45 PDT 2003

On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 10:22 AM, David Crump wrote:

> I'm assuming that it is going to be a pain getting the clips in sync.  
> Perhaps it is unrealistic to try to use the seperate audio source.  Is 
> any of this possible in iMovie 2, or am I setting my sights too high?

it might be tedious, but not unrealistic. First import the full length 
8mm movie, then import the audio, sync them, then turn off the audio 
portion of the video. If there are sync problems, you can always split 
the audio at quiet points and jockey individual sections to make 
everything line up. Then you can put your close up clips over the video 
using the "insert clip over video" function - I hope that was in 
iMovie2. Its been so long since I used it that I don't recall.  That 
would be the function to check for in iMovie 2 to determine whether its 


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