[MacDV] Re: Adding Additional Sound Effects to iMovie 3?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sun Feb 2 11:41:55 PST 2003

Oh of course! A sound effects set. Right? That would be much easier and 
tell you a lot more about the characteristics of each file fully 
utilizing the ID3 tags and view options.

Brilliant SR.


On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 09:47  AM, Steven Rogers wrote:

> On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 02:57 AM, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>> Thank you Pam. I was wondering where they were too. I found the 
>> "Sound Effects" folder just where you told us to look. But I noticed 
>> that what was in it didn't all appear in the "iMovie Sound Effects" 
>> list. What wasn't showing up were all the ones not nested in a >> folder.
> You can also put sound effects into iTunes and create an album for 
> them. Depends on how you want to manage the sounds.
> SR

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